Sheriff's Office

For Immediate Release

PR #: 2000109
Date Issued: Sep 01, 2020 - 1:17pm

Washoe County Sheriff's Office Detention Facility launches pilot program providing tablets to inmates

CONTACT: Sarah Johns
911 Parr Blvd
Reno, NV. 89512
Office: 775-785-6235
Cell: 775-391-0407

The Washoe County Sheriff's Office Detention Facility is starting a six-month pilot program providing inmates with tablets for communication, research and entertainment.

Starting September 1, 2020, and lasting through February of 2021, JEMCOR, Inc. is providing 60 Electronic Inmate Tablets (EIT) to the Detention Facility at no charge to the Washoe County Sheriff's Office. JEMCOR, Inc. is the third-party commissary equipment provider to the jail.

"Providing these tablets to our inmates is a great way to allow them to stay connected to their loved ones, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic," said Sheriff Balaam. "Tablets also provide more efficiencies within our Detention Facility. Incarcerated individuals are able to access many services without delay. I am excited to see the direction of this pilot program."

Inmates are provided the EITs for 15-minutes every four hours at no charge. Inmates are able to utilize the tablet beyond the 15-minute free period by purchasing time through their commissary funds. They can only check out the tablets during designated Tier Time - the regular intervals during which inmates have access to television, games, and outdoor access, among other earned privileges. Inmates are not allowed to take the tablets inside their individual cells.

The tablets can be used by inmates to file requests, grievances, order commissary, send and receive emails, access approved books/music/games, access the law library, and access educational resources.

The EITs are strategically placed in three of the 16 housing units within the Detention Facility for this trial, and the devices only work within its designated housing unit. The success of this pilot program will determine whether the tablets will be made available throughout the entire Detention Facility.

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The Washoe County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to preserving a safe and secure community with professionalism, respect, integrity and the highest commitment to equality. Sheriff Darin Balaam is the 27th person elected to serve as the Sheriff of Washoe County since the Office was created in 1861. The Washoe County Sheriff's Office strives to ensure public safety by building trust and creating partnerships within the diverse communities in which we serve. We will promote the dignity of all people supported by our words and actions through open communication while fostering an environment of professionalism, integrity and mutual respect.
