Submit a Tip
File an Online Tip or Complaint
You may submit a Tip or Complaint using the below choices – a crime report will not be started. Your complaint will be forwarded to the appropriate people for review.
- Abandoned Vehicles
- Barking Dog Complaints
- Drug Tips
- Homeland Security Tips
- Illegal Dumping
- Secret Witness Tips
- Traffic Complaints
Drug Tips
If you have information regarding person(s) using, selling or distributing drugs. These would include but are not limited to multiple vehicles visiting a residence for short periods of time at all hours of the day and/or night, or witnessing persons selling items thought to be drugs at public parks, street corners etc. You may enter any and all information you have, including license plates and suspect description in the description field.

Homeland Security Tips
Use if you have information regarding person(s) involved in threatening activities that may concern Homeland Security. These would include but are not limited to suspicious activity near public buildings such as individuals taking numerous photographs or asking unusual questions about a power station. Use this to report any activity or person that appears to be out of the norm or posing a possible threat.

Traffic Complaints
You live on a residential street in the unincorporated area of Washoe County and cars are speeding past your house on a regular basis and/or not stopping at designated stop signs.
You have commercial trucks using your street as a truck route (not to be confused with trucks making deliveries.)

Barking Dog
For a barking dog complaint, please call the non-emergency dispatch at 322-DOGS (3647).
Secret Witness Tips
Use the link below to make an ANONYMOUS REPORT if you have seen a crime, or have information related to a crime. Upon submitting your information, you will be given a report number. The report number is required to claim your reward if your information helps solve the case.

Illegal Dumping Tips/Complaints
Disposing of grass clippings, shrubs, and household goods on public or private lands is ILLEGAL. Violators may be subject to a $1,000 fine and/or six months in jail. The Washoe County Sheriff's Office, Washoe County Health District, U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management conduct routine surveillance to apprehend any illegal dumpers.
NRS 444.630 Prohibited acts; criminal penalty; clean up of dump site; community service; timing of commencement of clean up; proof of lawful disposal; revocation of business license; identification of violator; persons required to enforce provisions; issuance of citation; request for and provision of information.
- A person who places, deposits or dumps, or who causes to be placed, deposited or dumped, or who causes or allows to overflow, any sewage, sludge, cesspool or septic tank effluent, or accumulation of human excreta, or any solid waste, in or upon any street, alley, public highway or road in common use, or upon any public park or other public property other than property designated or set aside for such a purpose by the governing body having charge thereof, or upon any private property, is guilty of:
- For a first offense within the immediately preceding 2 years, a misdemeanor.
- For a second offense within the immediately preceding 2 years, a gross misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 14 days but not more than 1 year.
- For a third or subsequent offense within the immediately preceding 2 years, a gross misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for 1 year.